Friday, November 9, 2007

Back from Ottawa

I was in Ottawa, Canada over the past weekend for curling. I'll give a little background info for those of you who do not know what curling is.

Curling is an Olympic sport played on ice. Our ice is not like hockey ice, but rather, it is bumpy. A curling team is composed of four people. All four of the people throw two rocks each every end (one end is sort of like an inning). The teams alternate who throws. For example, Team A's first (or lead) will throw one rock, then Team B's lead will throw one rock. After that, Team A's lead throws his second rock, followed by Team B's lead's second rock. This continues until all 16 rocks have been thrown, which is eight from each team. After all the rocks have been thrown, you decide who scores. Only one team scores per end, but they can score multiple points. The team with the closest rock to the middle of the target (or as we call it, house) is the team that scores. That team gets one point for every rock that they have closer than the opponents closest rock. In other words, if team A has one rock 4 feet from the middle and one 5 feet, and team B has a rock that is 6 feet away, then team A gets two points. The end is then over, and you do it all over again. Most curling games go either 8 or 10 ends.

Ottawa was an amazing city, and I would recommend anyone and everyone to go there. While it was pretty expensive cause the dollar is worth less than their dollar, it was still a good time. Our team played really well, going 5-2 to make it into the semifinals. We lost that game :(, but we were still satisfied with how the tournament went. I will attach the link to the tourment's website.

We are all spending this weekend doing homework and getting ready for Scotland. Our flight leaves on Monday night at 7. I am getting really excited.

Until next time; good luck, happy hunting, and may the force be with you.

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